
Oh, hello there.

So I recently went vegan again. I was vegan for about seven years before I started law school, and somehow it all fell apart one morning in Las Vegas. That's how law school is. But now I'm done, and when I graduated I realized I suddenly had the time and energy to do anything I wanted. It took a few months of transitioning, but I'm back to it full time. For disclosure, I do eat honey, and I do eat animal products when I feel like I'm presented with a cultural experience that I'd otherwise miss out on. To me, experiencing the world and its cultures requires eating the food, so while I'm vegan for purposes of my own kitchen and every restaurant I frequent, I do make exceptions.

Since reveganizing, I've been reading tons of vegan blogs. I used to have a food blog I shared with some friends, but we all got busy and it fell into disrepair. I still love food and I love blogging about it, so I figured I'd start a little free blog and see what happens. This isn't going to be fancy -- it's just a way for me to take pictures and talk about what I eat -- but I'll cite recipes when I can in case there's anything someone wants to try.

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